A proper English Garden bears certain elements: fragrance, loose structure, no particular order, and masses of overflowing blossoms! This week, I applied the same components of an English Garden to an English Garden Bouquet, using a common container many of us have at home.
I made a weekend trip to the local floral wholesaler to see what was available. I was IN LUCK! If only I could transport the delicious-ness of the cooler into this post. The floral cooler here was enormous. This photo is only a fraction of what was available.

Here is my bundle, wrapped in Kraft paper.
I left the store and walked to my car, listening to the flowers crinkle in their delicate wrappings.

Like an English gardener, I chose my flowers based on fullness, fragrance and a subtle color scheme. Here is what I purchased:
1 bunch of Eucalyptus
2 stems of Hydrangea, light green
1 bunch of Freesia
1 bunch Ranunculus, pink and white variety
1 bunch of Veronica, white
1 bunch of Stock, light pink
2 bunches of Tulips, red and white in color
I'm using my favorite, wooden handled Flexrake shears. They fit my smaller hands so well.
You can shop their Classic garden tools HERE.
For my container, I chose a simple, galvanized metal bucket for its understated appearance. The blossoms were putting on enough of a show, so there was no need for competition.

To prevent the flowers from falling onto each other with such a large opening, I made a grid across the top of the bucket using white electrical tape. I made vertical lines first, then horizontal. I tucked the ends under the lip of the pail. It did not show at all once the flowers were added.

First I added a few sprigs of Eucalyptus. Because I wanted a very natural look, I didn't line the entire pail. I used no more than 5 pieces because they branch out quite well. I also put them into various rows, not just the outlying ones. Then, I trimmed them back as they hung a bit low.

Next, I began to add height using the Stock blossoms. Stock are by far my favorite purchased flower. Their fragrance is unmistakable in a garden setting, as well as indoors! I trimmed a few to keep the height varied and placed them throughout the grid.
The Freesia were then tucked into place on all sides. Also, a very fragrant flower! They were low lying and helped build layers from the bottom up.

When adding the tulips, I pulled some of the leaves off to make it less bulky in the grid.

I loved how the tulips gracefully plopped into place, supported here by the Stock and Eucalyptus. I used the two colors and added a 3 or 5 at a time to each area.

Here, the pink Ranunculus peek their heads in between the Freesia and the metal pail. As I built the bouquet, I turned the bucket around as I added more flowers, to keep a balanced order.
But, not too much order!

The spires of white Veronica added vertical interest, just as they do in their natural setting..

When adding the hydrangea blossoms, I chose the larger, open spots in the grid. Their puffy heads filled in those areas perfectly.
And here is the completed English Garden Bouquet. It was as lovely and overflowing as I had envisioned it. The fragrance was sweet and intoxicating and brought ideas to mind while I mentally planned what to grow in my garden this year.

I hope this post gives you some ideas on creating your own English Garden Bouquet at home, or better, to share with a friend!
Follow me on Instagram @theslipcoveratelier for more inspiration!
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commission for purchases. Thank you for your support!
Stock are my favorite! I can’t wait to see your garden blossom this summer
Gorgeous arrangement! I love how you put it all together! My flowers are starting to bloom now and I'm excited to start arranging them. Also .... thanks for the reminder that I need to add more stock and veronica to my cutting garden next spring!
They were delicious!
I love this arrangement. I can almost smell them just from their beauty and. color. 💕🍃💕🍃